Thursday, September 9, 2010

¡Vámanos a México!

That means let's go to mexico!

Phil and I went to Mexico on our honeymoon and we loved it!  So, when Phil found this song over the weekend and played it for me, I instantly fell in love with it.  {The fact that Coffey Anderson has a beautiful voice doesn't hurt either}

Take a listen...

It brings back wonderful memories of beautiful beaches and mariachi bands!  And makes me want to go back again!!  Here's a few pictures from our trip... (sorry about the quality. these were taken on my 35mm so I had to scan them in)

Our hands, our rings, our ten peso bracelets

I love how music can bring back such wonderful memories!!

Have a beautiful day!

1 comment:

  1. I love Coffey Anderson... This must be one of those weird sister moments because I have been listening to him for like a year or more now and now you like him... He's amazing =).. listen to his song "Better Today". It's my favorite!
